Home Remedies and Herbs for Diaper Rash (Irritant Diaper Dermatitis)

What is Diaper Rash (Irritant Diaper Dermatitis)?

Diaper rash or irritant diaper dermatitis is a common form of inflamed skin that occurs in the diaper-covered areas that are confined to hold incontinent urine and feces. Diaper rash often occurs on infants and babies. Peak incidence occurs between the ages of 9 to 12 months and incidents of diaper rash increase when solid food is introduced. It’s primarily a pre-toilet training condition but can occur in adults who wear incontinent protection devices.1 2 3 Diaper rash is not a sign of poor care nor bad hygiene though frequent diaper changing and thorough cleansing between changes greatly improves or prevents diaper rash.

The condition results in reddish inflammation, sensitivity and soreness in the genital and buttocks area. It is not a severe or dangerous condition although diaper rash can annoy babies and alarm their parents.1 Diaper rash is easy to control and can be treated by using the ABCDE acronym that stands for air, barrier, cleansing, diaper and education. Lengthy exposure to air when cleaning and drying before replacing a diaper is the key to treating diaper rash.2

What Causes Diaper Rash (Irritant Diaper Dermatitis)

Diaper rash causes are due to skin irritation, usually from wet and dirty diapers that retain urine and feces, trapping them in skin folds. Improper cleaning between changes leads to skin overhydration and inflammation from a pH imbalance. Fecal matter is more irritating than urine.1 2 Other diaper rash causes are:1

  • Chafing or rubbing from bad-fitting diapers
  • Irritation from new products like detergents, bleach, fabric softener used in cloth diapers or a switch in disposable diaper brands
  • Bacterial or yeast infections due to trapped feces or urine
  • Introduction of new foods including through breastmilk
  • Naturally sensitive skin or existing skin conditions
  • Use of antibiotics that increase risk of diarrhea

Diaper Rash (Irritant Diaper Dermatitis) Symptoms

Diaper rash symptoms are easy to recognize. Skin signs are red, tender-looking areas that are sensitive to touch by hand or by replacing a diaper. Changes in disposition are also indicative of diaper rash. Crying and restlessness are caused by uncomfortable skin and contact pressure.1 3 5 Diaper rash bumps are commonly seen in affected areas. These can appear as small, red dots or larger protrusions. Diaper rash bumps are common and do not open or bleed.1 3

Natural Remedies and Herbs for Diaper Rash (Irritant Diaper Dermatitis)

Diaper rash natural remedies are widely available. The key to treating diaper rash is by practicing regular changes and thoroughly cleaning soil deposits. Air drying should be used as much as possible before applying a topical treatment and replacing a diaper.1 3 5 Effective diaper rash natural home treatments and remedies include:

  • Coconut Oil - Coconut oil has antifungal and antimicrobial properties that treat diaper rash. It has a cooling, moisturizing and healing effect on the skin.
  • Corn Starch - Corn starch absorbs moisture and helps to dry freshly-washed skin. Sprinkling corn starch in a new diaper or on a clean bottom helps to keep the skin dry, reduce diaper friction and prevent diaper rash.
  • Egg White - Egg white is an effective home remedy for treating diaper rash. It can be applied to red and sore areas and diaper rash bumps to cool and moisturize skin.
  • Baking Soda and Corn Starch - Baking soda and corn starch have healing and moisture-absorbing qualities that help to treat diaper rash. Baking soda is an excellent additive to laundering diapers as well as cleaning and neutralizing diaper rash skin.
  • Vinegar - White vinegar is an excellent additive to diaper washing. It cuts the alkaline in urine and feces that contribute to diaper rash.
  • Breast Milk - Breast milk has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to treat diaper rash. Once the area is cleaned from soils, direct application of mother’s milk on a diaper rash helps to fight infection and soothe skin.



Home remedies, herbs, and food supplements for Diaper Rash (Irritant Diaper Dermatitis)

Coconut Oil is the most effective natural product for Diaper Rash (Irritant Diaper Dermatitis) CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Product 1 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Coconut oil is a safe home remedy for diaper rash because of its natural health benefits that can help to moisturize skin and treat blistering. Apply coconut oil to affected area and massage gently into the skin thoroughly. Apply multiple times daily until rash clears.

Corn Starch

Corn Starch Product 2 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Corn starch can be used as a safe remedy to treat diaper rash. By applying corn starch it can help to dry out the rash and allow it to heal faster. Apply corn starch to affected area as you would with baby powder. Repeat with every diaper change until rash clears.

Egg White

Egg White Product 3 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Egg white can be sued as a topical treatment to help heal diaper rash. Separate one egg from the yolk and keep the egg white. Whip is until it becomes a smooth liquid. Apply to affected area and let dry. Reapply with every diaper change.


Vinegar Product 4 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

White vinegar can be used a safe and natural remedy to treat diaper rash and reduce itchiness. Create a mixture of 50/50 water and vinegar. Soak a rag in the mixture and apply to your baby’s bottom as a cold compress. Repeat this with each diaper change.

Mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar with 1 cup of water and swab your baby's bottom.

Baking Soda and Corn Starch

Baking Soda and Corn Starch Product 5 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Use baking soda and corn starch to help treat diaper rash. Add corn starch to warm bath water and wash your baby first. Then let air dry. Once dry apply corn starch like baby powder to affected area. Repeat daily until healed.

Vitamin A and D

Vitamin A and D Product 6 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Breast Milk

Breast Milk Product 7 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical


Wheat Product 8 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Cook slowly over low heat; until light brown. Let it cool.

Balm herb

Balm herb Product 9 of 24

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical