Abuta Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Cissampelos pareira

Common Names: Barbasco, Imchich Masha, Butua, False Pareira, Pareira, Aristoloche Lobee

Properties: Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Antimalarial, Tonic, Analgesic

What is Abuta?

Abuta, also known scientifically as Cissampelos pareira, is a climbing shrub or vine belonging to the Menispermaceae family. It grows naturally in tropical areas, including the Amazon basin, Sri Lanka, India and other Asian countries. South Americans call abuta “midwife’s herb” due to its association in healing menstrual and other female-related symptoms.1,2

Abuta is an important medicinal herb in the Ayurvedic medicinal system, which is traditional to India. Abuta, in Hindi, is called Patha.2

Abuta plants produce small, yellow-colored flowers and little round berry fruits. The fruits contain horseshoe-shaped seeds.1

Abuta Health Uses and Health Benefits

In Ayurveda, abuta health benefits are known for being antispasmodic. This means abuta can reduce and alleviate muscle spasms throughout the body, including in the bowels. Abuta uses for menstrual cramps and heavy menstrual flow are also well-known. Uterine bleeding after childbirth can also be aided by taking abuta.1,3

Abuta health benefits are also used to help purify the blood and clean skin wounds and ulcers.  It also helps to reduce inflammation and swelling.1,2

Other abuta health benefits include:

  • Increasing urine flow as a natural diuretic
  • Reducing fever
  • Clearing up congestion and phlegm
  • Alleviating water retention

Traditionally, abuta is taken as a tincture or tea, but it is also available in capsules.




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Abuta for:

Acne Highly effective
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Highly effective
Shingles Effective
Arthritis Effective
Asthma Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Diarrhea Effective
Menstrual Problems Effective
Upset Stomach Effective
Dysentery Effective