Acerola Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Malpighia emarginata, Malpighia glabra

Common Names: Barbados Cherry, West Indian Cherry

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anti-ageing, Immune stimulant

What is Acerola?

Acerola is the name for a fruit tree or shrub that grows mostly in tropical climates. Its botanical name is Malpighia emarginata and is often called Barbados Cherry, West Indian Cherry or Cereza. Acerola usually grows as a large shrub or small tree that reaches up to 20 feet tall. The plant produces pink or lavender flowers with glossy light to dark green leaves. The acerola plant is known most distinctly for its red stone fruits called acerola cherries.1 The pulp from acerola cherries have a sweet scent but an acidic taste.2 The acerola plant is native to the Yucatan region of Mexico, Central America and the northern area of South America. Today, acerola can be found in hotter American climates like southern Florida and Texas. Brazil remains the largest mass acerola cultivator in the world.2 Acerola is commonly sold as a health supplement in a powder from.

Acerola Health Uses and Health Benefits

There are many unique acerola health benefits. Acerola is high in vitamin C due to its natural content of ascorbic acid. There is between 1000 and 4500 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of edible acerola fruit. Acerola is also high in vitamin A and contains B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, protein, fiber and fatty acids. Due to this high vitamin C content and other nutritional value, acerola health benefits include:2 3

  • Being able to reduce the amount of harmful free radicals due to antioxidant activity
  • Preventing cancer through anticarcinogenic properties
  • Increasing collagen formation
  • Promoting growth of skin cells and healing scars
  • Blocking production of melanin to enhance healthy look of skin
  • Treating fungal infections on the skin

There are many acerola uses for health including:

  • Allergies - Acerola contains natural antihistamines that can be used to treat seasonal allergies.
  • Anemia - Acerola uses include being a natural remedy for improving anemia and immune system health.
  • Common Cold - Acerola is high in vitamin C, which can boost immune system health and fight against the common cold.4
  • Influenza - With high vitamin C content, acerola can help the body combat and prevent the flu by boosting the immune system.
  • Angina - Acerola’s high vitamin C content is believed to make it an important natural remedy for protecting against angina.

Acerola Side Effects and Precautions

Acerola side effects are limited and it’s considered safe for most people to consume. However, acerola side effects may include nausea, cramps and diarrhea when taken in high doses.2 3



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CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Acerola for:

Anemia Highly effective
Cold (Common Cold) Highly effective
Flu (Influenza) Highly effective
Laryngitis Effective
Mononucleosis Effective
Fever Effective