Alfalfa Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Medicago sativa

Common Names: Lucerne, Alfalfa Leaf

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial, Diuretic, Antioxidant, Detoxifier, Anti-inflammatory, Human growth hormone stimulant

What is Alfalfa?

Alfalfa is a plant native to eastern Mediterranean regions and parts of western Asia.1 It now grows in northern US states like Washington, Idaho, and Oregon.2 It is a member of the pea family and grows about a meter tall, though the roots can grow up to 15 meters deep.1,2 Alfalfa sprouts are a common food while the heat-treated seeds and dried alfalfa leaves can be used in herbal supplements.1 The roots, leaves, and young shoots are all edible.2 Alfalfa is common among farmers and livestock owners because it adds nitrogen to the soil, attracts beneficial insects, and can be fed to livestock.2

Alfalfa Uses and Health Benefits

Though alfalfa is commonly fed to livestock, humans can consume the sprouts to enjoy many alfalfa benefits. Alfalfa is said to help cure mild anemia, increase urine flow, and help with arthritis conditions.3,4 It’s also believed to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and enhance kidney function.2 For women, it contains estrogen-like compounds that can reduce the symptoms of menopause.1 Pair it with the herb sage to help reduce hot flashes and night sweats.1

Other alfalfa uses and health benefits include for:

  • Heart Disease - Alfalfa benefits the heart and cardiovascular system by preventing cholesterol absorption in the gut.4 This reduces the risk of atherolscerotic plaques to help keep blood pressure in check and reduce the risk of heart disease.1 It also contains many heart-healthy nutrients like potassium.2
  • Osteoporosis - An alfalfa diet is believed to help combat conditions like osteoporosis.
  • Celiac Disease (Gluten Intolerance) - Among alfalfa benefits, it can help improve digestive issues,1 and it may benefit those people with a gluten intolerance.

Alfalfa Side Effects and Precautions

Alfalfa may interact with other drugs and medications, so talk to your doctor before starting on an alfalfa home remedy. Alfalfa may lower blood sugar levels, so proceed with caution if you have diabetes or are taking medications for diabetes.4 Do not use alfalfa if you are taking blood thinning medications like Warfarin, and be careful if you’re taking antidiabetes drugs, immunosuppressants, or photosensitizing drugs.4 Alfalfa can also interact with birth control pills.1 In rare cases, alfalfa side effects may include allergic reaction.5 Alfalfa is generally considered safe in normal food amounts.5 Do not take large alfalfa doses if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as this could possibly be unsafe.4



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Alfalfa for:

Heart Disease Highly effective
Osteoporosis Effective
Bell's Palsy Effective
Bursitis Effective
Endometrial Cancer Effective
Heel Spur Effective
Tendinitis Effective
Stretch Mark Effective