Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Baking Soda Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Baking Soda

Properties: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Healing, Anti-allergenic, Anti-tumor

What is Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Baking Soda?

Apple cider vinegar, molasses and baking soda is a home remedy used to promote healing and prevent disease. It’s a remedy that can be taken daily by combining molasses and a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of diluted apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Baking Soda Health Uses and Health Benefits

Apple cider vinegar, molasses and baking soda have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health benefits. Taking this home remedy can help improve digestive function and heal digestive conditions caused by inflammatory bowel diseases, gastritis, ulcers and more. Apple cider vinegar, molasses and baking soda may also help improve muscle pains by improving blood circulation and increasing magnesium intake, which acts as a natural muscle relaxant.1,2,3



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses and Baking Soda for:

Acne Effective
Bladder Cancer Effective
Heel Spur Effective
Acid Reflux Effective