Beetroot Juice Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Beetroot Juice

Scientific Name: Beta vulgaris

Properties: Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Detoxifier, Immune system booster, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-tumor, Superfood

What is Beetroot Juice?

A beet, also called beetroot, garden beet, or Beta vulgaris by its scientific name, is a type of spherical root vegetable similar to a turnip.1,2 Although beet is a biennial herb, it is grown throughout various regions worldwide as an annual plant. Many parts of the plant can be used for culinary and medicinal purposes, including the leaves and roots.1 The root vegetable portion can also be made into a juice that’s said to contain many beneficial properties.

Beetroot Juice Uses and Health Benefits

Beetroot juice is full of nutrients like ascorbic acid, vitamin E, phytoestrogens, carotenoids, and phenolic acids. The sudden burst of these nutrients you get from drinking beetroot juice can help in improving immune function and cardiac health.2

Beetroot juice is common among athletes as it is believed to help increase athletic performance, strength, and stamina.2,3 It does this by reducing the amount of oxygen the muscles need.2 Further beetroot juice benefits include for reducing cholesterol, preventing cancer, slowing the progression of dementia, and helping fight diabetes.2,3 Beetroot juice benefits may also include for:

  • Ovarian Cyst - Drinking beetroot juice is thought to be effective in treating ovarian cyst symptoms in women.
  • Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) - Beetroot juice may help in regulating blood pressure due to the nitrate content that helps relax blood vessels. Talk to your doctor before attempting to self-medicate with beetroot juice for low blood pressure.
  • Homocystinuria - Homocystinuria refers to an abnormal accumulation of homocysteine in the body due to the inability to process certain amino acids. Homocysteine is a type of non-protein amino acid that can lead to atherosclerotic plaque formation and increase the risk of heart and blood vessel problems like coronary heart disease and stroke. Beetroot contains a phytochemical called glycine betaine, which works to decrease homocysteine levels in the blood.
  • Gallstones (Gallbladder Pain) - Individuals with gallstones may benefit from oral intake of beetroot juice.
  • Psoriasis - Oral use of beetroot juice is thought to help patients with psoriasis, which is a skin condition that causes dry, flaky patches of skin.

Beetroot Juice Side Effects and Precautions

Beetroot juice is generally considered safe, but side effects may occur. These can range from mild beetroot juice side effects such as pink or reddish urine, which is known as beeturia and is nothing to worry about.2,3 More serious beetroot juice side effects can include kidney stones due to high consumption of oxalates, which prevent the body from absorbing calcium.2 Beetroot juice may also affect your ability to absorb iron and should not be taken by individuals with iron deficiencies.2 Be sure to monitor your blood pressure carefully if you are taking beetroot juice for blood pressure problems.




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Beetroot Juice for:

Ovarian Cyst Effective
Anemia Effective
Brain Cancer Effective
Cancer Effective
Obesity Effective
Psoriasis Effective
Homocystinuria Effective
Raynaud Syndrome Effective