Beleric Myrobalan Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Beleric Myrobalan

Scientific Name: Terminalia bellirica

Properties: Antibacterial, Antihistamine, Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Laxative, Astringent, Anti-microbial, Antidiarrheal, Expectorant, Anti-allergenic, Anti-tumor

What is Beleric Myrobalan?

Terminalia bellirica, known as "Bahera" or Beleric or bastard myrobalan, (Sanskrit: Vibhitaka, Aksha), is a large deciduous tree common on plains and lower hills in Southeast Asia, where it is also grown as an avenue tree. The basionym is Myrobalanus bellirica Gaertn. (Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 90, t. 97. 1791). William Roxburgh transferred M. bellirica to Terminalia as "T. bellerica (Gaertn.) Roxb.". This spelling error is now widely used, causing confusion. The correct name is Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. The leaves are about 15 cm long and crowded toward the ends of the branches. It is considered a good fodder for cattle. Terminalia bellirica seeds have an oil content of 40%, whose fatty-acid methyl ester meets all of the major biodiesel requirements in the USA (ASTM D 6751-02, ASTM PS 121-99), Germany (DIN V 51606) and European Union (EN 14214).[4] The seeds are called bedda nuts. In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Beleric is known as "Bibhitaki" (Marathi: " Behada or Bhenda ") (Terminalia bellirica). In its fruit form, it is used in the popular Indian herbal rasayana treatment triphala. In Sanskrit it is called vibhidaka. Source: Wikipedia

CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Beleric Myrobalan for:

Anemia Effective
Anorexia Nervosa Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Cough Effective
Flu (Influenza) Effective
Heart Disease Effective
Parasitic Disease Effective
Sore Throat Effective