Black Seed Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Black Seed

Scientific Name: Nigella sativa

Common Names: Black Seeds, Black Cumin Seed, Black Seed, Black Caraway, Black Sesame

Properties: Anti-fungal, Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Anti-viral, Anti-inflammatory, Antiglycemic (Antidiabetic), Superfood

What is Black Seed?

Black cumin seed is the seed of the black cumin plant known by its botanical name as Nigella sativa. Black cumin seeds are different than the common cumin spice used in cooking, which is related to the parsley plant.1

Black cumin seeds from the Nigella sativa plant are native to southern Asia, northern Africa and southern Europe. The black cumin plant grows up to 3 feet tall and produces wispy leaves with small white flowers. The plant also produces fruit pods, which contain black cumin seeds.1,2

Black cumin seeds are shaped like tiny Brazil nuts that are charcoal colored and have a dull texture and surface.

Black Cumin Seeds Health Uses and Health Benefits

Black cumin seed uses have been part of traditional medicine thanks to their numerous health benefits. Black cumin seed health benefits come from their natural plant compounds called phytochemicals. These phytochemicals have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health properties that offer many black cumin seed uses for healing and disease prevention.2,3

There have been over 600 peer-reviewed scientific studies done that have proven black cumin seed health benefits such as:

  • Boosting immune system function
  • Shrinking cancerous tumors
  • Protecting liver function
  • Improving digestive function
  • Protecting against diabetes
  • Helping in weight loss
  • Boosting skin and hair health
  • Fighting superbug infections, including MRSA

Black cumin seed uses for natural health include:

  • Baby Colic - Black cumin seed is believed to help aid in digestion and lower inflammation in babies, which can help stop colic.
  • Indigestion - Black cumin seeds health benefits include being a remedy for indigestion and boosting digestive health.
  • Liver Cancer - Black cumin seeds can help protect the liver and can slow the growth of tumors, making it a natural remedy for liver cancer.
  • Hepatitis - Black cumin seed can help damaged livers to heal faster, including treating hepatitis.
  • Insomnia (Sleep Disorder) - Black cumin seeds are a holistic sleep remedy that can help reduce stress and anxiety levels and promote healthier sleep patterns.

Black Cumin Seeds Side Effects and Precautions

Black cumin seed side effects are limited. However, some people may experience black cumin seed side effects in the form of an allergic reaction. Allergic reactions to black cumin seeds may result in swollen lips and face, hives, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or abdominal cramping.4




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Black Seed for:

Baby Colic Highly effective
Indigestion Effective
Liver Cancer Effective
AIDS (HIV) Effective
Gonorrhea Effective
Hepatitis Effective
Schizophrenia Effective
Upset Stomach Effective
Herpes Genital Effective