Buddleja Flower Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Buddleja Flower

Scientific Name: Buddleja davidii

Common Names: Buddleja davidii, summer lilac, butterfly-bush, orange eye

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial, Diuretic, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Sedative, Antispasmodic, Febrifuge, Analgesic, Wound-healing

What is Buddleja Flower?

Buddleja flower is from the Buddleia davidii plant, a Chinese medicinal plant native to East Asia. Buddleja flowers, known as Mi Meng Hua in Traditional Chinese Medicine, are small clusters of flowers, which are dried and used in medicinal formulas.1,2

Buddleja Flower Health Uses and Health Benefits

Buddleja flower health benefits are most commonly associated with eye health and disease prevention. Antioxidants in Buddleja flowers contribute to the healing of eye tissues to prevent eyesight loss and glaucoma. Buddleja flower antioxidants also help reduce inflammation associated with the liver, gall bladder, intestines and urinary tract. For this reason, Buddleja flower is used to treat liver diseases and bowel issues like IBS.2



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Buddleja Flower for:

Liver Disease Effective
Cataracts Effective
Gonorrhea Effective
Hepatitis Effective
Wounds Effective
Eyesight Loss Effective