Carrot Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Daucus carota

Common Names: Carrots

Properties: Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Anti-ageing, Anti-viral, Anti-inflammatory, Superfood

What is Carrot?

Carrots are one of the most popular and widely cultivated crops around the world. Carrots (Daucus carota) have been used for centuries with the first known records believed to be around the first century BCE.1

Carrots are grown all over the world but are believed to have originated in the Middle East and Asia. It is believed that over 40 million tons of carrots are grown each year globally. 2,3,4

Carrots are known as long, tapered bright orange vegetables. However, there are dozens of different types of carrots. Some carrots come in purple, white or yellow colors and many varieties have grown wild for centuries. Today, the two main categories of cultivated carrots can be divided by Eastern carrots and Western carrots.2,3

Carrots Health Uses and Health Benefits

Carrot health benefits come from its high nutritional rating. One of the most important nutritional facts about carrots is that they contain a nutrient called beta-carotene. Beta-carotene converts itself into vitamin A in your liver after being ingested. [2] Carrots are also an excellent source of vitamins C, D, E and K and well as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Carrots are also high in fiber.3

Here are some of the important carrot health benefits: 

  • Improving eye health
  • Lowering inflammation
  • Preventing against free radical damage that leads to diseases like cancer
  • Lowering risk of stroke and heart disease
  • Improving skin health
  • Defending against age-related cognitive decline

The following are some carrot medicinal uses:

  • Colorectal Cancer (Colon Cancer) - Carrot health benefits include containing antioxidants, which can help prevent colorectal cancer cells from forming.
  • Cataracts - The beta-carotene in carrots can help improve eye health and prevent cataracts.
  • Improve Appetite - Carrot medicinal uses include helping to stimulate appetite due to their beta-carotene content.
  • Memory Loss - Carrots can help reduce oxidative stress that leads to age-related cognitive decline, including memory loss.
  • Wrinkles - Beta-carotene from carrots can help improve skin health. It can also help rejuvenate skin to fight wrinkles and signs of aging.

Carrots Side Effects and Precautions

There are no known serious carrots side effects. However, eating excessive amounts of carrots may produce a side effect called carotenoderma, which is a yellowing of the skin.4




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Carrot for:

Bell's Palsy Effective
Cataracts Effective
Glaucoma Effective
Memory Loss Effective
Wrinkles Effective
Acidosis Effective
Improve Appetite Effective