Cassava Leaf Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Cassava Leaf

Scientific Name: Manihot Esculenta

Common Names: Cassava Leaves, Tapioca, Yucca, Manioc.

Properties: Antioxidant, Anti-ageing, Anti-inflammatory, Immune stimulant, Analgesic, Wound-healing

What is Cassava Leaf?

Cassava leaf is the leaf from the Manihot esculenta plant, a tropical native to South America. Today cassava plants are primarily grown in Africa. The cassava plant is also known as yuca. The young cassava leaves are usually eaten cooked, similar to cooking spinach.1,2

Cassava Leaf Health Uses and Health Benefits

Cassava leaf has been used in different traditions for a variety of its health benefits, which include being an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal plant. Cassava leaf uses have included being a natural constipation and diarrhea remedy as well as being a natural treatment for rheumatism and joint pain. Cassava leaves have also been used to alleviate headaches and fevers.1,3



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Cassava Leaf for:

Constipation Effective
Diabetes Effective
Diarrhea Effective
Heart Disease Effective
Rheumatism Effective