Celery Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Apium graveolens

Common Names: Wild Celery, garden celery

Properties: Sedative, Carminative, Antirheumatic, Hypotensive, Urinary antiseptic

What is Celery?

Celery is a plant native to Eurasia that now grows as a garden vegetable in temperate climates.1 It features thick, ribbed, closely overlapping petioles.1 This is the part of the plant sold in grocery stores. However, the seeds can also be cultivated and used in cooking or in herbal remedies. An essential oil can also be distilled from the seeds and used in food as a flavoring.1 The petioles of the celery plant are often used in cooking. They can be eaten plain or added to foods like soups, salads, and stir-fries. The seeds have been traditionally used in folk medicine to treat conditions like indigestion and flatulence.1

Celery Uses and Health Benefits

Celery benefits are vast. It contains a variety of healthy nutrients, including vitamins C and K, potassium, and sodium.2 Some of these nutrients act as a diuretic, meaning they help stimulate urine production, which can help regulate fluid balance.2 Among celery benefits, it also contains a compound called luteolin, which helps reduce brain inflammation. In turn, this can reduce the risk of age-related memory loss.3 The essential oil has a calming effect on the central nervous system, which could help with nervous disorders.1 Celery seeds can help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms.4 The whole plant can be used to alleviate joint inflammation to treat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.1 Eating celery for weight loss is also a well-known celery benefit. This is because celery is low in calories, with only 16 calories per cup.5 It’s also high in fiber, which promotes movement of food through the digestive tract.5 Other celery uses include for the following conditions:

  • Acid Reflux - A celery diet may help reduce acid reflux and symptoms of heartburn.
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) - Celery contains compounds called pthalides, which are said to help lower blood pressure.2 They may also play a role in reducing cholesterol.4
  • Kidney Stones - Celery helps cleanse the kidneys by eliminating urates and metabolic waste. The plant also acts as a diuretic, which can help pass kidney stones.1 The root can be made into a tincture to promote kidney health, but individuals with kidney inflammation should avoid the seeds.1 4

Celery Side Effects and Precautions

Celery is considered safe in doses found in food. However, celery seed supplements are available, so you’ll want to talk to your doctor about how much is appropriate for you. Celery side effects may occur when taken with other herbs or medications, so consult your care provider if you’re currently taking other supplements.4 Avoid celery seed if you are pregnant. It may lead to uterine contractions or bleeding, which can cause miscarriage.4 Since celery can lower blood pressure, individuals who already have low blood pressure should take celery with caution.4 If you are allergic to birch pollen, you might also be allergic to celery seed.4 Do not use celery seeds from gardening packets as an herbal supplement.4



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Celery for:

Acid Reflux Highly effective
Heartburn Effective
Kidney Stone Effective
Bell's Palsy Effective
Altitude Sickness Effective
Scars Effective
Sciatica Effective