Chaparral Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Larrea tridentata

Common Names: Creosote Bush

Properties: Antibiotic, Diuretic, Antioxidant, Anti-viral, Decongestant, Antiseptic, Anti-microbial, Strongly expectorant

What is Chaparral?

Chaparral is an herb that grows from the creosote bush. Chaparral (Larrea tridentata) grows in large quantities throughout southwestern deserts in the United States and along the borders of Mexico. It has been used in Native American culture as a medicinal remedy for centuries. Early Spanish settlers called the creosote bush by different names, including Goma de Sonora, Hediondilla and Gobernadora.1,2

Chaparral grows on a tall, thorny bush that can reach up to 6 feet in height. It grows small, olive-green leaves that emit a foul smelling resin used to defend against predators. Chaparral produces yellow flowers and eventually produces small white cotton ball-like fruits.2

Chaparral Health Uses and Health Benefits

Chaparral health benefits have long since been known by the Native Americans who used it for pain relief, digestive problems and inflammation. There is documentation that Native Americans also used chaparral as a way to induce abortions and late mensturation.1,2

Native Americans also used chaparral to treat illnesses like cancer. Chaparral contains a plant compound called nordihydroguaiaretic (NDGA). NDGA is a substance shown to stop cancer cells from proliferating. Chaparral also contains vitamins A and C as well as calcium, potassium, selenium and thiamin.1,3

Additionally, chaparral also contains natural antioxidants that can kill bacteria, viruses and fungal infections. Here are other chaparral health benefits:1,3

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Alleviates pain
  • Treats skin infections and wounds
  • Treats cavities and gingivitis as a mouthwash tonic
  • Stops colds and congestion as a natural expectorant

Chaparral uses include being a natural remedy for the following conditions:

  • Cancer - Chaparral is believed to help inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Colorectal Cancer (Colon Cancer) - The natural cytotoxic compounds in chaparral can kill colorectal cancer cells.
  • Pancreatic Cancer - Chaparral uses include being a natural remedy to help stop the growth and spread of pancreatic cancer cells.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis - Chaparral can help reduce joint pain and inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Bursitis - Chaparral can help reduce joint inflammation and pain caused by bursitis.

Chaparral Side Effects and Precautions

Chaparral side effects can include severe liver toxicity when taken in too high of dosages. People with pre-existing liver conditions should not take chaparral. Pregnant women should not take chaparral as side effects may induce abortion.1




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Chaparral for:

Bursitis Effective
Cancer Effective
Liver Cancer Effective
Stomach Cancer Effective
Pancreatic Cancer Effective
Gastric Cancer Effective