Coconut Milk Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Coconut Milk

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anti-viral, Anti-microbial

What is Coconut Milk?

Coconut milk comes from the coconut fruit, which grow on palm trees (Cocos nucifera). Coconuts contain a meaty flesh. When this flesh is scraped out, then blended and strained, the end product is coconut milk.

Coconut milk is different from coconut water. All young coconuts contain a watery substance inside, known as coconut water. But as the coconut matures, the flesh starts to fill in more, and there is less water left in the center of the fruit. Therefore, coconut milk is typically made from mature coconuts that have lots of meaty flesh.1,2

Coconut Milk Health Uses and Health Benefits

Coconut milk is considered one of the healthiest natural substances in the world. It’s naturally high in saturated fatty acids, and is a good source of healthy calories. One of the types of fatty acids contained in coconut milk is called lauric acid, which is easily absorbed by the body and converted into energy. Coconut milk is also a good source of manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium.1

Because coconut milk fats are so easily absorbed by the body and converted to energy, it’s actually a great food to add to your diet for weight management. Coconut milk can also help to manage cholesterol by reducing bad cholesterol (LDL).1,2

Other coconut milk health benefits include:

  • Boosting energy levels
  • Managing blood sugar levels
  • Aiding with digestion
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Preventing anemia
  • Preventing ulcers
  • Fighting against bacterial infections




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Coconut Milk for:

Anemia Effective
Peptic Ulcer Effective
Sun Sensitivity Effective