Coltsfoot is a flowering plant named because its leaves are shaped like a horse’s hoof. Coltsfoot belongs to the daisy family of plants (Asteraceae). Coltsfoot flower, also known by the Latin name Tussilago farfara, is native to Europe and western and central Asia. Coltsfoot was also introduced to North America and now grows throughout Canada and the United States.1
Coltsfoot has a similar appearance to dandelion flowers because its blooms are bright yellow. Throughout Europe, coltsfoot is considered primarily a weed. It grows abundantly along roadsides and in ditches and wastelands. 1,2
Coltsfoot has been used in many traditions as a herbal remedy, including in Traditional Chinese Medicine where it is known as Kuan Dong Hua. Traditionally, the coltsfoot flower buds, stalks
Coltsfoot Flower Health Uses and Health Benefits
Traditionally, coltsfoot flowers have been used as a tonic to treat sore throats, coughs
Coltsfoot flower can also be applied topically as a poultice to help heal skin wounds. Coltsfoot flower may be able to help clear up eczema and skin rashes as well as treat bug bites and stings.1