Flowers Of Sulphur Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Flowers Of Sulphur

Scientific Name: Eriogonum umbellatum

Common Names: buckwheat, bush, sulfur flower buckwheat, sulphur wild buckwheat, slender buckwheat, sulphur flower, sulfur buckwheat

Properties: Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Skin ailments

What is Flowers Of Sulphur?

Flowers of sulphur is a common name for the Eriogonum umbellatum plant, also called sulfur buckwheat. Flowers of sulphur is a wildflower plant that grows throughout Western North American from Alberta and British Columbia to California and Arizona.1

Flowers Of Sulphur Health Uses and Health Benefits

Native Americans have traditionally used parts of the flowers of sulfur plants for medicinal purposes. Various tribes had identified flowers of sulphur health benefits for skin, including treating infections and inflammation of the skin. It’s also been used for gastrointestinal health and treating stomach aches. Other uses for flowers of sulphur have included being a natural cough and cold remedy and treatment for menstruation symptoms.2



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Flowers Of Sulphur for:

Acne Effective
Athlete’s Foot Effective
Scabies Effective
Psoriasis Effective
Fungal Infection Effective
Acne Scar Effective