Grapes Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Vitis vinifera

Properties: Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Astringent, Anti-tumor

What is Grapes?

Grapes are a common type of fruit that grow on vines and in berry clusters.1 There are many different types of grapes, differing in size, color, and seeds. Some varieties are light green when ripe while others are purple and some are deep blue.1 Some grape varieties include seeds, although seedless varieties are more commonly found in grocery stores.1,2The fruit of the grape can be eaten plain, made into juice, or made into wine. The fruit, skin, leaves, and seeds have all been used in medicine.3

Grapes Uses and Health Benefits

Grapes have many health benefits ranging from antioxidant to cholesterol-lowering to anti-inflammatory properties.3 Grapes have long been used to treat a variety of circulatory system disorders, including improving poor circulation, helping to relax blood vessels, and protecting against diseases like high blood pressure, heart attack, and atherosclerosis.3 The leaf of the grape plant may help reduce bleeding and heal wounds as well as help fight diarrhea.3 It’s also said to help protect against cancer and assist patients with eye stress.3 Other grape benefits include for the following conditions:

  • Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) - Eating grapes is thought to help fight the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.
  • Angina - Angina refers to chest pain caused by coronary heart disease. Grapes are said to be effective in treating angina.
  • Cough - Among grape uses, dried grapes, or raisins, may help in curing or preventing cough.1,3
  • Gout - Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis.4 Taking grapes orally may help reduce this inflammation.
  • Kidney Stones - Eating grapes may be effective for treating kidney stones.
  • Sciatica - Sciatica refers to a range of conditions that cause symptoms along the sciatic nerve.5 Grape benefits include their ability to help treat sciatica.

Grapes Side Effects and Precautions

Grapes are generally considered safe to eat, but it’s important to proceed with caution if you are starting on a grape diet to treat a medical condition. Potential grape side effects include:3

  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Dry mouth
  • Indigestion
  • Headache
  • Infections
  • Muscular problems

Some individuals may experience allergic reaction to grapes.3 Eating too many grapes or grape products can cause diarrhea.3 Avoid grape supplements if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a bleeding condition, or plan to undergo surgery.3 Although grape benefits include a low glycemic index, meaning they can be good for blood sugar regulation, it’s important for people with diabetes or high insulin levels to talk to their doctor before starting on a grape diet.2,6



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Grapes for:

Cough Effective
Gout Effective
Kidney Stone Effective
Sciatica Effective
Pancreatic Cancer Effective
Prostatitis Effective