Hyssop Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Hyssopus officinalis

Common Names: ssopus alopecuroides Fisch. ex Benth. Hyssopus altissimus Mill. Hyssopus angustifolius M.Bieb. Hyssopus aristatus Godr. Hyssopus beugesiacus Jord. & Fourr. Hyssopus canescens (DC.) Nyman nom. inval.

Properties: Anti-viral, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Strongly expectorant, Diaphoretic

What is Hyssop?

Hyssop is the Hyssopus officinalis, a herb belonging to the mint family. Hyssop’s leaves and flowers are fragrant and the plant’s parts are used in cooking and herbal tea. Hyssop essential oil extracts are also used in aromatherapy and traditional medicine.1,2

Hyssop Health Uses and Health Benefits

Hyssop health benefits include being a natural antiseptic and antispasmodic and it's also known to help boost blood circulation. Its antiseptic properties are used for fighting infections, treating wounds and eliminating parasites. It can also help treat acne by fighting acne-causing bacteria. Its antispasmodic properties are helpful for relieving constricted airways due to coughs, asthma and bronchitis.2 



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Hyssop for:

Cough Effective
Acne Effective
Arthritis Effective
Asthma Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Cold (Common Cold) Effective
Emphysema Effective
Parasitic Disease Effective
Sore Throat Effective
Liver Disease Effective