Lily Bulb Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Lily Bulb

Scientific Name: Lilium candidum

Common Names: Lirium Scop.

Properties: Sedative, Antitussive, Expectorant, Sleep aid

What is Lily Bulb?

A lily bulb is the portion of the lily (Lilium) plant that resides below ground. The lily flower grows from the bulb. The lily bulb acts as the food reservoir for plants during their dormant phases and to help them survive harsh weather conditions. The lily bulb itself is round in shape and has hundreds of overlapping scales.3

Lily flowers are native to Asia. Today, they have been naturalized all over the world. There are possibly hundreds of different varieties of lilies throughout the world. Depending on the species or variety, lily plants can be grown as ornamental flowers or they can be produced for food or medicinal purposes.1,2

The lily bulbs themselves are taken from the ground and used again for planting new flowers. In Asia, lily bulbs have been used as medicinal remedies for centuries. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), lily bulbs are called Bai He.1,3 Raw dried lily bulbs are available in many herbal remedy shops.4

Lily Bulb Health Uses and Health Benefits

Lily bulb health benefits come from their content of vitamins and minerals. Certain lily bulbs are edible and rich in starches. Because lily bulbs contain the plant’s nutrition, they are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2 and C.4

Traditional lily bulb medicinal uses were for calming the spirit and providing a sense of peace. It is believed to help do this by eliminating heart heat, which reduces irritability and restlessness.1,3

Lily bulbs were also taken as a way to treat dry coughs and sore throats by moistening the lungs and respiratory system.3

Other lily bulb health benefits include: 

  • Improving sleep quality
  • Treating low-grade fever
  • Alleviating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Stopping heart palpitations
  • Preventing and stopping diarrhea
  • Improving concentration and focus

Lily bulb medicinal uses include helping treat the following conditions:

  • Ulcers - Lily bulb health benefits include having astringent and soothing effects. This can help to ease and heal stomach ulcers by reducing inflammation.
  • Lung Disease - Lily bulbs have natural soothing and healing properties that target the respiratory system. Lily bulbs can help to prevent and heal lung diseases.

Lily Bulb Side Effects and Precautions

Possible lily bulb side effects can include developing lung and kidney lesions when taken long-term in high doses. Some people may also experience lily bulb side effects like itching skin due to a possible allergic reaction.3




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Lily Bulb for:

Cough Highly effective
Lung Disease Effective
Diarrhea Effective
Heart Disease Effective