Mangosteen Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Garcinia mangostana

Common Names: Mongosteen

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Anti-viral, Superfood

What is Mangosteen?

Mangosteen is a tropical evergreen tree that is native to areas like Indonesia and the Sunda Islands. It now grows in Sri Lanka, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Colombia and can grow up to 82 feet. It features a sweet fruit with an inedible rind that turns reddish-purple when it’s ripe. The fruit, rind, twigs, bark, and fruit juice have been used in medicine. The fruit can be eaten raw, the rind can be made into an herbal tea, or you can purchase health drinks called “xango juice” that contain the mangosteen fruit.1,2

Mangosteen Uses and Health Benefits

Very little research has been done on the medicinal benefits of magosteen, but it has long been used to treat a variety of conditions. It’s low in calories, high in fiber, and doesn’t contain any cholesterol or saturated fats. It also contains healthy amounts of potassium, manganese, and magnesium as well as antioxidants like xanthones and vitamin C.3

Among mangosteen benefits, it’s believed to help treat diarrhea, urinary tract infections, osteoarthritis, and menstrual disorders. Mangosteen uses also include boosting the immune system and mental health. It can also be made into an ointment that’s used topically to treat skin rashes and eczema.1,2 Other mangosteen uses include for:

  • Gonorrhea - Mangosteen’s antibacterial properties are said to help in treating gonorrhea.
  • Leukemia - Mangosteen is packed with antioxidants that can provide cancer-fighting benefits.
  • AIDS (HIV) - Mangosteen boosts the immune system and can help with immune-compromising conditions like AIDS and HIV.
  • Liver Cancer -  Liver cancer patients may also benefit from the antioxidants present in the mangosteen herb.
  • Prostate Cancer - Adding mangosteen to your diet may help slow the progression of prostate cancer.

Mangosteen Side Effects and Precautions

Like with any herb, mangosteen should be taken with caution. Known mangosteen side effects include that it can slow blood clotting. Because of this, you should not take mangosteen if you have a blood disorder or before surgery. Do not take it with other medications that slow blood clotting, such as Warfarin. There has not been enough research on the effect of mangosteen on pregnant or breastfeeding women, so it’s best for these women to avoid it.2 Talk to your doctor about the condition you’re trying to treat along with any other medications or herbs you’re taking to help you decide if mangosteen is a good choice for you.






CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Mangosteen for:

Gonorrhea Effective
Leukemia Effective
AIDS (HIV) Effective
Cancer Effective
Liver Cancer Effective
Prostate Cancer Effective
Throat Cancer Effective