Marshmallow Root Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Marshmallow Root

Properties: Antibacterial, Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Antitussive

What is Marshmallow Root?

Marshmallow is a type of perennial herb that grows in wet areas like marshes all across the world. It can be found in the wild but is also cultivated for its medicinal uses. The root, leaves, and flowers have been used in food and medicine for over 2,000 years. While the above-ground parts of the plant are collected in the summer, the roots are harvested in the autumn. It’s common to take marshmallow root in tea form, which contains a variety of healthy substances, including a gummy substance called mucilage that’s filled with carbohydrates and proteins. The marshmallow root can also be made into an ointment for topical applications.1,2

Marshmallow Root Uses and Health Benefits

Marshmallow root uses are vast. It’s particularly useful in treating conditions affected by irritated mucous membranes, such as cough. It also has strong benefits for intestinal issues like stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and indigestion.1,2 It’s even been used in mouthwashes to treat inflammation and given to teething infants to reduce pain.1 Other marshmallow root uses include for:

  • Diverticulitis - Diverticulitis is a disease that occurs when pouches in the intestine become inflamed. A marshmallow root tea may help in treating and soothing this condition.
  • Crohn’s Disease - Another digestive condition marshmallow root benefits is Crohn’s disease, which causes chronic inflammation in the intestinal tract.
  • Sore Throat - Taking marshmallow root orally can help soothe mucus membranes and alleviate symptoms associated with sore throat.
  • Bronchitis - Marshmallow root uses include for more serious conditions like bronchitis.

Marshmallow Root Side Effects and Precautions

Marshmallow root side effects are minimal, but it should be used with caution like with any other herb. It is considered safe in normal amounts, but it may lower blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes should avoid it.2 It can also interact with lithium, and because it coats the stomach, it may reduce the absorption and effectiveness of other drugs.2,3 Because of this, it’s best to wait at least one hour between taking oral drugs and marshmallow root.

Talk to your doctor before taking a marshmallow root remedy if you are currently taking other medications or herbs to ensure they won’t interact with each other. Marshmallow root is considered safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, but it’s best to talk to your doctor first if you’re wary about adding marshmallow root to your diet.2




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Marshmallow Root for:

Diverticulitis Effective
Crohn's Disease Effective
Sore Throat Effective
Leaky Gut Syndrome Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Emphysema Effective
Gastritis Effective
Laryngitis Effective
Mononucleosis Effective