Mongosteen Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Garcinia mangostana

Common Names: Mangosteen

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Anti-viral, Superfood

What is Mongosteen?

Mongosteen fruit is the fruit from the mongosteen tree—Garcinia mangostana. Native to southeast Asia, mongosteen is a tropical fruit that is growing in popularity in North America. Mongosteen fruits are round and deep purple in color and have a hard rind, covering a white flesh. The inner flesh is segmented, much like orange slices.

Mongosteens are about the size of a small orange but flat on the top and bottom. Mongosteen fruits are generally sweet but also have a tart flavor depending on how ripe they are.

Mongosteen Health Uses and Health Benefits

Mongosteen health benefits come from its nutritional content as well as its antioxidant phytochemicals. Mongosteen contains fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin A and iron. It also contains a unique group of phytochemicals called xanthones, which have been studied for their anticancer properties.1

Studies have shown that certain xanthones in mongosteen help to slow the progression of cancer by inducing cancer cell death, particularly for prostate, breast and skin cancers.1

Mongosteen’s sbstances also help to combat inflammation through antihistamine effects, making it a natural remedy for allergic inflammations. For diabetes management, it can help stabilize blood sugar levels.1,2

Other mongosteen health benefits include:

  • Slowing and preventing acne bacteria growth
  • Protecting heart health by reducing levels of oxidative stress
  • Improving digestive health through high-fiber content
  • Boosting immune system function through vitamin C content




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CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Mongosteen for:

Cancer Highly effective
AIDS (HIV) Effective
Gonorrhea Effective
Leukemia Effective
Liver Cancer Effective
Prostate Cancer Effective