Mustard Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Brassica juncea

Common Names: Brassica integrifolia, Brassica japonica, Brassica juncea japonica, Sinapis juncea

Properties: Detoxifier, Antirheumatic, Nervine, Superfood, Cholesterol-lowering

What is Mustard?

Mustard is a low-growing plant that originated in India and southern Asia. It’s now a major food crop and is grown across the world, particularly in North America. Mustard belongs to the cruciferous family of vegetables that include broccoli, cabbage, kale, collard and Brussel sprouts.1,2
Mustard is consumed as both greens and seeds with each form having excellent health benefits. There are three types of mustard; black, brown and white. Black mustard is the least common but has the strongest taste. Brown mustard has a medium flavor and is the type used in Dijon mustard. White mustard is also called yellow mustard due to its rich color and is best known as American mustard that’s found on hot dogs and hamburgers. 2
Mustard leaves are more difficult to obtain than seeds as they’re seasonal and not carried as widely as mustard seeds and prepared mustard. Leaves are the best all-around source of mustard health benefits. For full nutritional value, leaves should be lightly sautéed rather than boiled or steamed. Sautéing keeps the greens from going soft and watery as well as retaining full flavor. 1
Mustard Health Uses and Health Benefits
Mustard has far more value than just a culinary condiment. Mustard seeds contain essential minerals like potassium, phosphorous, calcium, selenium and magnesium. Mustard leaves or greens also contain these trace mineral but add to value with high amounts of Vitamins A, B1, C and K as well as being an excellent source of dietary fiber. 2,3
There are many mustard health benefits and uses including a cure and preventative for cancer. Mustard benefits include acting as an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory and in detoxification support. 1
One of the main mustard health benefits is the effect it has on the gastrointestinal system. Like all cruciferous vegetables, mustard has the ability to bind digestive tract bile. Binding makes it easier for the body to excrete excessive stomach acid that causes uncomfortable digestive disorders. The high fiber content in mustard also helps digestion and reduces excessive acid. 1 This makes mustard for heartburn an excellent natural remedy.
Mustard health uses include being a natural treatment for the following digestive conditions:

  • Acid Reflux - Acid reflux is caused by stomach acid moving up into the esophagus. It’s also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD and can be a chronic, lifelong condition. The acid reducing qualities of eating mustard can be a primary control for excessive stomach and esophageal acid.
  • Hiccups - Hiccups are the cough-like involuntary responses or spasms of the diaphragm and respiratory organs that happen when the glottis suddenly closes. Cases of hiccups come on suddenly and are caused by a number of different issues. Usually, hiccups are temporary and can be stopped by swallowing a spoonful of prepared mustard or making a diluted drink of mustard and water.
  • Heartburn - Heartburn is a common term for GERD and is caused by excessive stomach acid. Raw mustard for heartburn is an effective natural home remedy.
  • Indigestion - Indigestion is the discomfort that comes from the stomach having difficulty in digesting certain types of food. Often the stomach will overproduce acid to compensate which creates further discomfort. Mustard health benefits include being an alkalizing food as it works to balance stomach acid and improve digestion.
  • Acidity - Acidity is the pH level in the stomach acid. An increase in pH causes excessive acid that manifests in discomfort. With mustard being on the alkali side of pH, it works as a natural treatment for excessive acid symptoms.
  • Upset Stomach - This is a general term for dyspepsia which includes symptoms of burping, bloating and nausea. An upset stomach is usually caused by indigestion which mustard has proven to settle.

Mustard Side Effects and Precautions
There are few mustard side effects or issues with either mustard greens or mustard seeds, including the black, brown and white (yellow) varieties. There are some known cases of allergies to mustard and some report that an excess consumption of mustard has actually increased their digestion discomfort. 5




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Mustard for:

Acid Reflux Highly effective
Hiccup Highly effective
Heartburn Effective
Indigestion Effective
Flu (Influenza) Effective
Muscle Cramps Effective
Acidity Effective
Upset Stomach Effective