Myrrh Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Commiphora myrrha (T. Nees)

Common Names: African myrrh ( C. habessinica ), Somali Myrrh ( C. molmol ), Arabian and Yemen myrrh ( C. abyssinica ), myrrha , myrrhe

Properties: Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Astringent, Anti-microbial, Antispasmodic, Strongly expectorant

What is Myrrh?

Myrrh is a traditional spice from the Mediterranean and North African regions. It’s an extract taken from the Commiphora myrrha tree. Myrrh oil is used for many purposes and is a biblical product that was traditionally used for purification.1,2

Myrrh Health Uses and Health Benefits

Myrrh has several benefits for skin health and disease prevention. Myrrh has natural antimicrobial benefits and is used to help eliminate parasites and fungal infections. Myrrh has also been used as an oral cleanser to help with conditions like bad breath, canker sores and gum disease. Myrrh is also being studied for its anticancer benefits in preventing the proliferation of some cancer cells.1,2



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Myrrh for:

Parasitic Disease Effective
Acne Effective
Athlete’s Foot Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Cough Effective
Ringworm Effective
Pancreatic Cancer Effective
Fever Effective
Wounds Effective
Tapeworms Effective