Omega-6 Fatty Acid Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Omega-6 Fatty Acid

Common Names: Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Properties: Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Anti-ageing, Anti-inflammatory

What is Omega-6 Fatty Acid?

Omega-6 fatty acids are a classification of essential fatty acids, meaning your body needs them but can’t manufacture them on their own. That means omega-6 fatty acids must be consumed through food. Rich sources of omega-6 fatty acids include vegetable oils like corn, safflower, and soybean oil. There are several different types of omega-6 fatty acids, but linoleic acid is the most abundant in food and in the body.1,2,3

The body uses omega-6 fatty acids for brain function, growth and development, metabolism, reproductive health, bone health, and hair and skin growth.1 It’s recommended that you balance your diet between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to a 1:1 ratio.4

Omega-6 Fatty Acids Uses and Health Benefits

If you aren’t getting enough omega-6 fatty acids in your diet, increasing your omega-6 consumption can have its benefits. Keep in mind that most people on a Western diet get more than enough omega-6 fatty acids, though they may benefit from certain types over others. Those people on a Mediterranean diet get fewer omega-6 fatty acids, but they may still be getting a healthy balance in their food.1 Talk to your doctor about starting on an omega-6 fatty acids diet if you are concerned about your health. Omega-6 fatty acids may be able to help with the following conditions:

  • Allergies - Studies have shown that women with allergies tend to have lower levels of the omega-6 gamma-linolenic acid in their blood. It’s suggested that supplements may help those with allergies.
  • Breast Cancer - Gamma-linolenic acid may benefit breast cancer patients by inhibiting tumor activity.
  • Eczema - Taking certain omega-6 fatty acids orally may help in treating eczema symptoms.
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) - In combination with omega-3 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid may help in treating hypertension.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids Side Effects and Precautions

Like with any herb or medication, it’s best to talk to your doctor before adding omega-6 fatty acids to your diet to ensure they’re a good choice for you. Omega-6 fatty acid side effects can include increased inflammation, headache, abdominal pain, loose stool, and nausea.1 Omega-6 fatty acid side effects differ depending on the fatty acid supplement you’re taking. Do not take omega-6 fatty acid supplements if you have seizures or have risk of prostate cancer. Some of these supplements should be avoided when pregnant.1 Supplements may interact with blood thinning medications, chemotherapy, ceftazidime, cyclosporine, and phenothiazines.5




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Omega-6 Fatty Acid for:

Arthritis Effective
Breast Cancer Effective
Menopause Symptoms Effective
Osteoporosis Effective