Onion Juice Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Onion Juice

Properties: Antimicotic, Antihistamine, Decongestant, Anti-microbial, Strongly expectorant, Anti-allergenic, Diaphoretic

What is Onion Juice?

Onions are a popular culinary vegetable native to the northern hemisphere and now grown around the world. The plant was used as far back as ancient Egypt and Greek times. They feature a strong flavor and scent due to the sulfur compounds found within the plant. Onion is closely related to garlic, leeks, chives, and scallions. There are many different types of onions, including red, white, and yellow varieties. The bulbs of the onion plant are used in many culinary dishes as well as in various medical applications. Onion juice can be taken orally to treat a variety of ailments.1,2

Onion Juice Uses and Health Benefits

Onion contains many health benefits, such as acting as a diuretic to help reduce high blood pressure. It’s also been recommended as a topical treatment for acne and warts. Onions are rich in polyphenols and quercetin. Polyphenols act as prebiotics to help with weight management and disease prevention while quercetin helps in preventing cancer and heart disease.1,3 

Among onion juice uses, it can be warmed and used as an eardrop for the treatment of earaches. Onion juice can also be applied to the hair to help prevent hair loss, dandruff, and graying of hair. Onion juice is also said to help treat symptoms of alopecia areata, which is a patchy hair loss condition. The plant also contains anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.1,4,5 Other onion juice benefits include for:

  • Heat Stroke - Onion juice can be taken orally to help cool the body following heat stroke. It can also be applied to the chest for similar results.
  • Vomiting - Oral use of onion juice may help in relieving symptoms of vomiting.
  • Chest Congestion - Onion has long been used for the treatment of chest congestion. Its quercetin and sulfur content help break down mucus and should, therefore, be taken orally to reduce symptoms.
  • Cough - Onion juice may also be used to treat persistent cough when taken orally.
  • Indigestion - Onion juice may have positive effects on patients suffering from indigestion.

Onion Juice Side Effects and Precautions

Onion juice is generally considered safe for consumption. However, you should not take onion juice orally or use it topically if you are allergic to onions or similar plants. Topical application may result in onion juice side effects like itchiness or redness of the skin. Certain herbs and medications, such as aspirin, may increase a person’s sensitivity to onion juice.4 Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about onion juice interactions.




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Onion Juice for:

Heat Stroke Effective
Vomiting Effective
Chest Congestion Effective
Cough Effective
Indigestion Effective