Peony Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Paeonia lactiflora

Common Names: Chinese peony, common garden peony, Common peony, coral Peony

Properties: Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Analgesic

What is Peony?

Peony is the genus of flowering plant, Paeonia, which has over 3,000 varieties of peonies. The peony flower is native to Asia and Europe, first being cultivated around 900 BC. Peonies have been cultivated over the years for their large, colorful blossoms and are a garden favorite.

In addition to being grown for their beauty, peonies are also a plant involved in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the ancient medicine system of China. In TCM, it’s the white peony variety that is used to make herbal remedies, including the white peony root stock.1

Peony Health Uses and Health Benefits

Peony health benefits are provided by the plant’s variety of phytochemical compounds. Primarily consisting of polysaccharides, flavonoids and tannins, peony’s natural chemicals provide a variety of health benefits, which are often associated with treatment female hormonal and reproductive conditions.2,3

In TCM, peony is taken to enrich the blood, which helps with regulating menstrual cycles. It’s also taken to help ease with menstrual cramping associate with a heavy flow. Additionally, peony has estrogen-like effects, which can help treat polycystic ovary syndrome and improve fertility.2,3

Peony also possesses health benefits for liver support. Peony helps to control liver enzyme levels in people with hepatitis.3

Peony is also traditionally taken to help with abdominal pain, muscle and joint soreness, and alleviating night sweating.4




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Peony for:

Autism Effective
Hepatitis Effective
Infertility Effective
Menstrual Problems Effective
Pancreatic Cancer Effective