Red Clover Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Red Clover

Scientific Name: Trifolium pratense

Properties: Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic

What is Red Clover?

Red clover is a plant in the legume family commonly used in herbal medicine.1 It grows in meadows throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, where animals like cattle graze on it.1 It’s also used as a rotation crop since it improves the quality of the soil.2 The clover’s flowers can be used for therapeutic purposes when dried.1 It’s available in tablet, capsule, tincture, tea, and extract forms.1 Red clover ointments are also made to treat conditions topically.1


Red Clover Uses and Health Benefits


Red clover has historically been used to treat respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis, as well as skin issues like psoriasis.1,2 It’s also believed to purify the blood by acting as a diuretic as well as aid in cleansing the liver,1 and it’s said to have anti-cancer benefits.2 Red clover is rich in many nutrients like magnesium, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, thiamine, potassium, and vitamin C.1

Red clover benefits include that it contains chemicals called isoflavones.1 These chemicals have estrogen-like effects on the body, which may help treat symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes.1 Other red clover uses include for:

  • Osteoporosis - The isoflavones in red clover are believed to help combat osteoporosis, especially in pre- and perimenopausal women.1
  • Syphilis - Among red clover uses, it’s believed to help reduce syphilis symptoms when taken orally.
  • Gynecomastia - Gynecomastia is an endocrine disorder that results in male breast tissue swelling. Taking red clover orally may help reduce this breast tissue enlargement.
  • Uterine Fibroid (Myoma) - Uterine fibroids results in benign smooth muscle tumors in the uterus. Red clover benefits uterine fibroids patients by slowing uterine tissue production.
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - Red clover uses may include helping treat multiple sclerosis when taken orally.
  • Ovarian Cyst - Take a red clover herbal remedy orally to help combat ovarian cysts.


Red Clover Side Effects and Precautions


Red clover side effects are minimal, and studies have shown that it can be used for up to a year without serious side effects.3 However, rare red clover side effects may include rash, headache, and nausea.1 Do not take red clover if you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer.1 Red clover may interact with vitamin K supplements, which can decrease the blood-thinning effects of red clover.4 Avoid taking this herb with other blood thinners or other herbs that have blood-thinning effects.1 It can also interact with hormone-replacement drugs and tamoxifen.1 Talk to your doctor if you’re taking other medications or herbs.


Do not take red clover for more than three to six months at a time without consulting your physician.1 While red clover can be used to treat coughs in children, it should not be administered without talking to your care provider first.1 Don’t take red clover if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.1 Never use fermented red clover.2 More research is needed on the benefits and side effects of red clover, so it’s best to talk to your doctor before attempting to self-medicate.





CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Red Clover for:

Osteoporosis Effective
Syphilis Effective
Breast Cancer Effective
Gynecomastia Effective
Ovarian Cyst Effective
Prostate Cancer Effective
Skin Cancer Effective
Stomach Cancer Effective
Skin Abscess Effective
Pancreatic Cancer Effective
Perimenopause Effective