Sedum Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Sedum spectabile, Sedum sarmentosum

Common Names: Autumn Joy, Gardenia, Biting Stonecrop

Properties: Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Detoxifier, Anti-inflammatory, Laxative, Estrogenic

What is Sedum?

Sedum is a group of hundreds of different flowering plants and succulent, water-storing leaves. Sedum plants grow star-shaped flowers. Sedum plants are typically used for ornamental purposes in dry climates because they are drought-tolerant plants. However, sedum plants are also edible and can provide certain health benefits.1

Sedum Health Uses and Health Benefits

Sedum health benefits come from the plants’ leaves and from its oil extracts, which contain several organic compounds for health. Traditionally, sedum has been ingested to help kill intestinal worms. It has also been used as a natural diuretic and for laxative purposes. Sedum health benefits also include being a natural remedy for lowering high blood pressure.2




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Sedum for:

Liver Disease Highly effective
Warts Effective
Acne Effective
Burns Effective
Cancer Effective
Menopause Symptoms Effective
Obesity Effective
Parasitic Disease Effective
Pancreatic Cancer Effective
Weight Loss Effective