Swertia Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Swertia chirayita, Swertia chirata

Common Names: Chirata, Swertia

Properties: Hypoglycemic, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-asthmatic

What is Swertia?

Swertia is a traditional plant medicinal used in Ayurveda medicine—the ancient medicine system of India. Swertia, also known as Swertia chirayita, is from the Gentianaceae family of plants. Native the Himalayan regions of India and Nepal, swertia is a flowering plant with bitter extracts. Ayurvedic experts have studied and documented swertia for centuries, and there is believed to be over 40 species of swertia in India alone. In natural medicine, the whole plant is used to make swertia natural remedies.1,2

Swertia Health Uses and Health Benefits

Traditionally, swertia health benefits have been applied to a wide variety of ailments. It has bitter plant compounds that provide it with a tonic and cleansing effect, targeting different organs and systems from the digestive and immune systems to the liver and lungs.1

Swertia has powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. It has been studied in-depth for its effectiveness in treating hepatitis and general liver inflammation. It’s also traditionally taken to help ease digestive issues like constipation, dyspepsia and even to kill intestinal worms and parasites. With antibacterial and antiviral health benefits, swertia is also given for malaria and other chronic infections, helping to boost immune function and reduce fever.1

Other swertia health benefits include helping to improve heart health by reducing blood pressure. Because it helps balance blood sugar levels, swertia can also be taken as a natural diabetes management remedy.1




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Swertia for:

Anemia Effective
Asthma Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Cough Effective
Nausea Effective
Anorexia Nervosa Effective
Cancer Effective
Constipation Effective
Diabetes Effective
Joint Pain Effective
Liver Cancer Effective
Malaria Effective
Menstrual Problems Effective
Vomiting Effective
Acidity Effective
Fever Effective
Hiccup Effective
Liver Disease Effective
Wounds Effective
Stomach Ache Effective