Tea Tree Oil and Oregano Oil Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Tea Tree Oil and Oregano Oil

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antibacterial, Anti-microbial, Healing, Anti-itching

What is Tea Tree Oil and Oregano Oil?

Tea tree oil and oregano oil is a combination of two essential oils that can be mixed together and applied topically for natural skin health. Tea tree oil is the extract from the Australian tea tree and oregano oil comes from oregano leaves.

Tea Tree Oil and Oregano Oil Health Uses and Health Benefits

Tea tree oil and oregano oil is a natural antibacterial and antifungal skin remedy. Both tea tree oil and oregano oil have natural antimicrobial properties. When combined, they provide a powerful natural skin remedy for treating fungal skin conditions like dandruff, ringworm, warts and athlete's foot. Tea tree and oregano oils can also help to balance yeast overgrowths.1,2,3



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Tea Tree Oil and Oregano Oil for:

Ringworm Effective
Athlete’s Foot Effective
Genital Warts Effective
Staph Infection Effective
Yeast Infection Effective
Candidiasis Effective
Fungal Infection Effective