Vitamin A Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Vitamin A

Properties: Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Skin-care, Eye support

What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a type of vitamin found in both plant-based foods and animal products.1 The vitamin A found in plant-based foods is called pro-vitamin A, and that found in animal products - such as meat and dairy foods - is called preformed vitamin A.1 Good sources of vitamin A include eggs, fruits and vegetables (especially orange and yellow ones, such as carrots), dark leafy vegetables, fortified breakfast cereals, and fortified skim milk.1 You can also get vitamin A through dietary supplements. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin.1 The body uses it in building teeth, soft tissue, skeletal tissue, skin, and mucous membranes.1 Vitamin A benefits the immune system, reproduction, and vision as well.2

Vitamin A Uses and Health Benefits

Since vitamin A benefits many body functions, it can help in reducing risks or treating symptoms of the following conditions:

  • Cataracts - Among vitamin A uses, a vitamin A diet can help support vision and reduce the risk of cataracts. It’s recommended to take zinc with vitamin A for best results.3 That’s why spinach is a popular natural remedy for cataracts since it contains both of these.
  • Leukoplakia (Oral) - Leukoplakia occurs as a white patch in the mouth, and vitamin A can help combat it.
  • Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus SLE) - Lupus is an autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s joints, lungs, blood vessels, and skin among other organs. Since vitamin A helps support these body systems, it can help reduce symptoms.
  • Deafness (Hearing Loss) - Vitamin A for hearing loss may help by preventing deafness in adults as well as in children when pregnant women get enough in their diet during fetal development.
  • Tennis Elbow - Tennis elbow is characterized by inflammation of the tendons in the elbow due to overuse. Since vitamin A benefits joints, it may help reduce the symptoms of tennis elbow.
  • Cervical Cancer - Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant, which helps protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of certain cancers. Try to pair your vitamin A diet with other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins D and K2, zinc, and magnesium, for the best effect on preventing or slowing the spread of cancer.4

Vitamin A Side Effects and Precautions

Vitamin A is considered safe, even for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. However, there is the risk of overdose when taking vitamin A supplements. This can lead to illness and birth defects.1 The recommended amount depends on your age, gender, and other circumstances such as pregnancy or other medical conditions.

Vitamin A side effects can also occur if you’re deficient in vitamin A. This can lead to vision problems like corneal damage and night blindness.1 Vitamin A deficiencies can also cause dry skin, hormonal imbalances, mood disorders, infertility, and thyroid dysfunction.3 Most people get enough vitamin A through their diet, but vegetarians, alcoholics, and young children may need to take a supplement to get the vitamin A their bodies require.2 3 A vitamin A diet can also help people with cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, and liver diseases.2 Talk to your doctor about whether or not a vitamin A supplement is a good option for you.



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Vitamin A for:

Cataracts Effective
Leukoplakia (Oral) Effective
Acne Effective
Asthma Effective
Bone Cancer Effective
Cervical Cancer Effective
Crohn's Disease Effective
Fibrocystic Breast Effective
Glaucoma Effective
Measles (Rubeola) Effective
Osteomyelitis Effective
Rotator Cuff Effective
Tennis Elbow Effective
Tuberculosis Effective
Pancreatic Cancer Effective
Psoriasis Effective
Tendinitis Effective
Skin Ulcer Effective
Stretch Mark Effective