Yucca Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Yucca filamentosa, Yucca brevifolia, Yucca aloifolia, Yucca gloriosa

Common Names: Spanish bayonet, Our Lord's candle, Joshua tree, and Adam's needle.

Properties: Immune system booster, Anti-arthritic, Antiglycemic (Antidiabetic), Cholesterol-lowering

What is Yucca?

Yucca is a plant in the Agavaceae family and refers to nearly 40 different species that grow in temperate areas of North America. It’s known as a desert plant and most commonly grown and cultivated in southern parts of North America, but there are a few varieties that can grow in cooler climates.1, 2 The plant features stiff sword-shaped leaves. Various parts of the yucca plant can be used in medicine, including the roots, stalks, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.1

Yucca Uses and Health Benefits

The yucca plant has long been used by Native Americans for a variety of physical ailments. It’s been used for treating skin sores, bleeding, and sprains and is said to contain anti-inflammatory properties. Yucca can also be made into a hair wash that helps treat hair loss and dandruff. In fact, one of the many yucca uses include using it in making soap because the saponin compounds in it contain both water- and fat-soluble ends.1,2,3 Other possible yucca uses include for purifying the blood, promoting digestion, reducing intestinal gas, and assisting in weight loss.

Studies suggest that one of the more prominent yucca benefits is in treating arthritis pain. In fact, the root and bark of the yucca plant has been used in various dietary supplements promoting joint health. It’s believed that yucca contains compounds similar to those found in anti-inflammatory drugs.4 Among them are compounds known as saponins, which help block the release of toxins in the intestines that are known to inhibit cartilage formation. This suggests it may have the power to reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis. The plant has also been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. However, more research is needed to support these claims.2, 4

Yucca Side Effects and Precautions

More research is needed to determine how safe it is to use yucca orally. In test tube studies, yucca has been shown to rupture red blood cells. However, short-term use of yucca seems to be safe, but it’s not recommended to use it longer than three months at a time. Large doses of yucca can cause loose stool.5 It is not known whether yucca interacts with other medications and herbs, but it is always best to talk to your doctor and discuss any medications you’re taking before starting on an herbal remedy.




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Yucca for:

Arthritis Effective
Osteoarthritis Effective
Weight Loss Effective