Benzoin Oil Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Benzoin Oil

Scientific Name: Styrax Benzoin

Properties: Anti-fungal, Diuretic, Antioxidant, Antidepressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-flatulent, Antiseptic, Sedative, Anti-microbial, Antispasmodic, Antirheumatic, Expectorant

What is Benzoin Oil?

Benzoin oil is the gum resin extract from sap in Styrax Benzoin trees that are commercially grown in Malaysia, Java, Siam and Sumatra. Benzoin oil has been used for thousands of years as an aromatic incense and fumigator for religious ceremonies as well as for its medicinal qualities as an antidepressant and disinfectant. 1,3
Benzoin oil is known by various names like Benjamin oil, benjamin gum, oil of ben, styrax oil, storax, and luban-jawi. The two most popular forms of benzoin oil available today are classified as Siam and Sumatra. Both contain the active ingredient compounds benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid and ethyl cinnamate however benzoin oil from Sumatra contains a higher level of cinnamic acid that makes it more powerful and potentially more toxic. 3
Benzoin oil is produced by tapping the styrax benzoin trees and letting the sap run off to form a thick, golden brown paste. This resin dries to a dark reddish color and is diluted with a solvent. The resinoid is then cleaned and processed as a high-viscosity oil or dried into a powder. These two forms are known as simple and compound benzoin oil with the dried form of benzoin oil being too strong for direct application on skin whereas the liquid form is considered an essential oil for health purposes. 2,3
Benzoin oil is very recognizable for its vanilla smell and taste. This comes from the compound vanillin contained in small but powerful amounts in benzoin oil. In early Arabic cultures, benzoin oil was burned in temples to give an inviting aroma. It became a highly desirable and valuable trading spice and was often mixed with frankincense and myrrh. 1

Benzoin Oil Health Uses and Health Benefits
Benzoin oil uses are primarily an aromatic essential oil that is burned or diffused as well as being ingested for therapeutic effects. These include offering benzoin oil health benefits such as antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, anti-rheumatic, deodorant, diuretic, vulnerary, and expectorant. 3
Benzoin oil health benefits include treatment for:

  • Acne - Benzoin oil for acne is highly effective in working as an antiseptic to kill acne-causing bacteria. A diluted form of benzoin oil for acne should be applied to infected skin. Full strength application may cause burning and irritation.
  • Anxiety Disorder -  Benzoin oil is proven to uplift spirit and mood which is one of the reasons benzoin oil is used as an aromatherapy in cultural ceremonies. Benzoin oil uses in aromatherapy can be effective in calming anxiety disorder.
  • Arthritis -  Arthritic symptoms can be relieved by rubbing benzoin oil into the skin around uncomfortable areas. Besides being a muscle relaxant, benzoin oil works as an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and discomfort in arthritic joints and tissues.
  • Bronchitis -  Benzoin oil for treating bronchitis is best used as an incense that’s inhaled. It works to relieve coughing and breathing difficulties associated with bronchial problems.
  • Depression -  Depression is a serious and complex mood disorder attributed to many causes. The many benzoin oil health benefits help to uplift mood and reduce anxiety. Inhalation of diffused benzoin oil is an effective treatment for depression.
  • Eczema (Dermatitis) -  Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a skin condition where dryness and cracking occurs. Rubbing diluted benzoin oil into eczema areas works as an antiseptic and disinfectant.

Benzoin Oil Side Effects and Precautions
Benzoin oil side effects can be serious because in a purified state it is quite toxic. Inhalation or ingestion of the product at full-strength can cause benzoin oil side effects like nausea, vomiting and headaches as well as contributing to a lack of oxygen in the blood.

When using benzoin oil for acne treatment, it should not be applied to any cut or open skin wound as it can have a severely irritating and burning effect. 

The recommended dilution for benzoin oil is 2% for ingestion. It blends well with many other essential oils but should not be mixed in a bath. Benzoin oil is not water soluble and will separate from water causing a brownish stain to a tub that’s difficult to remove. 3




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Benzoin Oil for:

Acne Effective
Arthritis Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Depression Effective
Laryngitis Effective
Psoriasis Effective
Wounds Effective
Rheumatism Effective
Itching Effective
Skin Ulcer Effective
Chest Congestion Effective