Brazil Nut Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Brazil Nut

Scientific Name: Bertholletia excelsa

Common Names: Brazil Nuts, Castanhas, Castanas

Properties: Antibacterial, Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Anti-inflammatory, Nutritive, Thyroid tonic, Superfood, Neuroprotective, Skin regeneration

What is Brazil Nut?

Brazil nuts are the seeds from the Brazil nut tree, native to the Amazon. The trees themselves produce large nuts, resembling coconuts. Each brazil nut contains up to 20 seeds, which are what we call Brazil nuts. Each of these seeds is fairly large compared to similar nuts like cashews or peanuts, and they are usually shaped like an orange-slice.1

Brazil Nut Health Uses and Health Benefits

Brazil nuts are highly nutritious and offer plenty of health benefits for boosting energy levels, reducing inflammation and preventing disease. Brazil nuts are a rich source of protein and fiber, and contain minerals like magnesium, copper and selenium.1,2

In fact, Brazil nuts are the richest food source of selenium, which is a trace mineral responsible for several healthy body functions. Brazil nuts also appear to have anticancer properties, due to the high selenium content. Additionally the selenium content in Brazil nuts is also associated with elevated mood, reduced anxiety and depression and increased energy levels.1,2

Brazil nuts also have the ability to manage thyroid levels. Poor thyroid function is often associated with a selenium deficiency, so Brazil nuts can help boost the intake of this important mineral.1

Reducing inflammation is essential to staving off chronic illness, and Brazil nuts provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Brazil nuts also help to reduce bad cholesterol levels, which combined with lowered inflammation make them a good food for protecting against heart disease.1




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Brazil Nut for:

Cancer Effective
Constipation Effective
Depression Effective
Heart Disease Effective
Obesity Effective
Wrinkles Effective
Weight Loss Effective