Fritillaria Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Fritillaria Meleagris

Common Names: Snake's Head Fritillary, Chess Flower, Guinea-Hen Flower, Leper Lily

Properties: Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Antitussive, Hypotensive, Expectorant, Anti-tumor, Anti-asthmatic

What is Fritillaria?

Fritillaria are flower bulbs used as natural remedies in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Also known as fritillary or chuan bei mu, fritillaria bulbs are a group of 5 different bulbs with two of them being most commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.1

Fritillaria bulbs can usually be found in Asia markets or Chinese pharmacies.

Fritillaria Health Uses and Health Benefits

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fritillaria health benefits correspond to the lungs and the heart meridians. Therefore, fritillaria bulbs are used to treat a variety of respiratory and cardiac conditions. For respiratory health, fritillaria bulbs providing a soothing, moistening benefit for sore, dry throats. They also help to reduce pulmonary inflammation and congestion.1

For cardiac health, fritillaria bulbs can help manage and regulate blood pressure levels, making it an excellent natural remedy for hypertension (high blood pressure). Fritillaria bulbs are also believed to help stimulate the heart muscle.2

In China, fritillaria bulbs have also been used to treat lung, cervical and breast cancers.3




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Fritillaria for:

Asthma Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Pneumonia Effective
Breast Cancer Effective
Cough Effective
Lung Cancer Effective
Tuberculosis Effective