Fu Ling Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Fu Ling

Scientific Name: Wolfiporia Extensa

Common Names: Hoelen, Tuckahoe, China Root, Matsuhodo, Poria Cocos, Bai Fu Ling, Hongos Poria, Mushroom, Polyporus.

Properties: Antibacterial, Diuretic, Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory, Immune stimulant, Anti-tumor, Hepatoprotective (liver protector)

What is Fu Ling?

Fu Ling is an herbal remedy that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years. It’s also widely used in other Asian countries, including Korea, Thailand and Japan. In Western culture, Fu Ling is commonly known as Poria Cocos fungus. Fu Ling is a type of mushroom fungus that grows around the base of certain types of pine trees. 1 Fu Ling is harvested across China, including in the Anhui, Hubei, Henan provinces. 2

Fu Ling is a mushroom style of fungus that grows in bulky blong or oval shapes. It has an outer skin that ranges from whitish-grey to dark brown with an internal skin that’s white or pink. Fu Ling can grow in a wide range of sizes from 10-30 cm or larger. 2

Fu Ling benefits come from its content of organic compounds that include polysaccharides and triterpenes among several other substances. Traditional, Fu Ling uses have been for restoring and revitalizing due to loss of energy, fatigue, stress and lack of sleep. 3

Fu Ling also has natural diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. 1 Research has shown promising Fu Ling benefits for anticancer activity, including anti-leukemia activity, in particular. 3

Other Fu Ling benefits include: 

  • Treating irritated skin caused by skin rashes
  • Fighting viral infections
  • Easing digestive and urinary problems
  • Calming heart palpitations



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Fu Ling for:

Anorexia Nervosa Effective
Constipation Effective
Diabetes Effective
Diarrhea Effective
Gout Effective
Headache Effective
Memory Loss Effective
Poor Appetite Effective
Liver Disease Effective
Edema Effective