Knotweed Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Polygonum arenastrum

Common Names: bird grass; box knotweed; doorweed; dooryard knotweed; engelmann's knotweed; equal-leaved Knotgrass; matgrass; matweed; ovalleaf; prairie knotweed; prostrate knotweed; sand wireweed; small leaved wireweed; small-leaved knotgrass; small-leaved knotweed; stonegrass; wiregrass; wireweed

Properties: Anti-fungal, Antioxidant, Anti-ageing, Anti-viral, Anti-inflammatory, Laxative

What is Knotweed?

Knotweed, is an annual plant. Its botanical name is Polygonum arenastrum and it is native to Europe and Asia. It has since naturalized itself throughout North America as well as in Australia, New Zealand and parts of Africa. Considered an invasive species, knotweed typically grows in yards, gardens, crops and orchards. Common knotweed is often called prostrate knotweed.1

Though considered invasive, knotweed is also an important herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine and other herbal medicine practices. In Chinese medicine, knotweed is called Bian Xu. Knotweed is often confused with Japanese knotweed because it is so closely related. It’s believed that knotweed health benefits have been known and used for centuries.2

Knotweed Health Uses and Health Benefits

For medicinal uses, herbalists use the above-ground parts of the knotweed plant, including stems, leaves and flowers. Knotweed naturally contains phytochemicals including polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids and silicic acid.3

Traditionally, knotweed health benefits are known to possess healing effects on the urinary system as it is a natural diuretic. Knotweed offers cooling and soothing effects, which makes it a useful remedy for inflammation causing heat, particularly on the skin.2

Knotweed health benefits are also antiparasitic. Knotweed can be used to expel skin-based or internal parasites. It also has natural astringent qualities, whereby it acts by constricting blood vessels.2,3

Other knotweed health benefits include: 

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Treating digestive irregularities
  • Easing menstrual flow
  • Supporting respiratory function

Knotweed uses include being a natural remedy for the following conditions:

  • Angina (Chest Pain) - Knotweed health benefits include helping to alleviate tightening in the chest and chest pains.
  • Arthritis - Knotweed helps to reduce inflammation and joint pain caused by arthritis.
  • Bronchitis - Knotweed has natural expectorant properties, which can help to alleviate chest congestion caused by bronchitis.
  • Diarrhea - Traditional knotweed uses for digestion can help to stop diarrhea.
  • Eczema (Dermatitis) - Knotweed can be used as a topical treatment to help treat eczema.
  • Tuberculosis - Knotweed can help to treat certain symptoms of tuberculosis related to respiration.

Knotweed Side Effects and Precautions

There are no known severe knotweed side effects. However, be sure to take knotweed in small, controlled doses between 9 and 15 grams.2




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Knotweed for:

Heart Disease Effective
Arthritis Effective
Breast Cancer Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Cancer Effective
Constipation Effective
Diabetes Effective
Diarrhea Effective
Prostate Cancer Effective
Tuberculosis Effective