Malva Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Malva sylvestris

Common Names: olopha (DC.) Alef. Dinacrusa G.Krebs[2]

Properties: Anti-ageing, Anti-inflammatory, Pain reliever, Mucilaginous

What is Malva?

Malva is a flowering plant also known as high mallow or common mallow. Its botanical name is Malva sylvestris and it is native to western Europe. Malva spread out of western Europe and can now also be found in the Mediterranean and northern Africa regions.1 2 Malva typically grows naturally in fields or in hedgerows. It grows to 3-4 feet high and is covered in small hairs. It has creeping stems with dark green leaves. Malva produces bright purple flowers and nutlets or seeds commonly referred to as cheeses.1 For medicinal uses, both the flower and the leaves of the malva plant are used. Younger leaves that have not yet been infected by fungi can be used for medicine or for food. High mallow is rich in a mucous or slimy substance that has medicinal benefits. Flowers and parts of the high mallow plant are often used as a natural remedy.2

Malva Health Uses and Health Benefits

Malva benefits are well known. Malva uses can be applied for both internal and external conditions. Malava benefits from the leaves include being a natural pain killer with antiseptic and soothing properties that can be used for skin wounds.1 3 Other malva benefits include:1 3

  • Soothing dry coughs and sore throat because of the mucous substance
  • Improving breathing by acting as a natural expectorant
  • Acting as a natural laxative
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Providing anti-aging effects with skin rejuvenation benefits
  • Improving digestive issues
  • Treating sleep disorders
  • Improving relaxation and lowering stress levels

Malva uses for treating conditions include:

  • Burns - Malva can be used as natural topical remedy to help heal burns and protect the skin.
  • Cough - Malva has natural soothing properties that can help treat a dry cough.
  • Congestion (Nasal Congestion) - Malva has natural expectorant benefits that can reduce congestion and improve breathing.
  • Chest Congestion - Malva can help increase breathing and help reduce chest congestion and mucous buildup.

Malva Side Effects and Precautions

At this time, there are no known malva side effects though there may be possible negative interactions with other drugs. Be sure to consult a qualified naturopathic healthcare provider in order to prevent any possible malva side effects or negative interactions.1 3



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Malva for:

Acne Highly effective
Burns Highly effective
Cough Highly effective
Eczema (Dermatitis) Highly effective
Chest Congestion Highly effective
Shingles Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Headache Effective
Sore Throat Effective