Rosemary Leaf Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Rosemary Leaf

Scientific Name: Rosmarinus officinalis

Common Names: Rosemary, Mozart Rosemary

Properties: Antibacterial, Diuretic, Antidepressant, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Astringent, Antispasmodic, Carminative

What is Rosemary Leaf?

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub that originated in the Mediterranean region but is now grown in gardens across the world.1 The plant features green- and white-colored needle-like leaves and small blue flowers.1,2 The leaves have a pleasant fragrance and can be dried and used for culinary or medicinal purposes.1 Both the fresh and dried leaves can also be used in aromatherapy.2 Rosemary leaves can be made into teas, infusions, and even wines.1

Rosemary Leaf Uses and Health Benefits

Rosemary leaf benefits are vast. Rosemary leaves aid in digestion and low blood pressure.1 The leaves contain a volatile oil that can help with menstrual flow and has antibacterial properties.1 In addition, studies suggest that low levels of rosemary leaf--such as those found in food--can help in reducing cognitive decline in the elderly.3 It’s even been used as an effective hair wash to prevent scalp-related conditions like dandruff and premature balding.4 Other rosemary leaf benefits include for:

  • Indigestion - Rosemary has long been used to treat indigestion and is even approved by the German Commission E in Europe as a safe herb to use for this condition.2
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - Rosemary leaves may help multiple sclerosis patients when taken orally.
  • Muscle Cramps - Rosemary leaves are sometimes used topically to treat joint and muscle pain.2 It’s also been used orally to relieve muscle cramps.
  • Depression - Rosemary leaf benefits include an effect on stress and anxiety when used as an aromatherapy treatment.2 Studies suggest it may help lower cortisol levels, or the stress hormone, when paired with other pleasant-smelling herbs.2 Oral use of rosemary leaves may also help combat depression.
  • Asthma - A rosemary leaf infusion may help patients with asthma.

Rosemary Leaf Side Effects and Precautions

Rosemary leaf is generally considered safe to use. However, it’s best to avoid the herb if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant as it may have an abortifacient effect, which means it can cause miscarriage.2 Rosemary leaf side effects include that it increases urine flow, though that can actually be a positive side effect for some patients.2 Like any herb, rosemary leaves may interact with other medications and herbs, so it’s best to talk to your doctor before starting on a rosemary leaf herbal remedy. It’s best to avoid high doses of rosemary leaf, though it should be safe in normal food amounts.



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Rosemary Leaf for:

Asthma Effective
Depression Effective
Indigestion Effective
Memory Loss Effective
Migraine Effective
Muscle Cramps Effective
Schizophrenia Effective