Surinam Cherry Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Surinam Cherry

Scientific Name: Eugenia uniflora

Common Names: pitanga, Suriname cherry, Brazilian cherry, Cayenne cherry, Cerisier Carré

Properties: Anti-fungal, Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Antidiarrheal, Analgesic

What is Surinam Cherry?

Surinam cherry is the Eugenia uniflora tree, also known as Brazilian cherry. The surinam cherry tree is native to South America, including southern Brazil. Surinam cherries are round, ribbed fruits that are edible. The fruits and leaves are both used in herbal medicine.1,2

Surinam Cherry Health Uses and Health Benefits

Surinam cherry health benefits include being used to make natural tonics and astringents. Traditionally, in Brazil, surinam cherry formulas were used to treat stomach and intestinal issues. Decoctions made from Surinam cherries are also traditionally used as natural cold and flu remedies as well as for reducing fevers. Astringent properties form Surinam cherry leaves can also help soothe skin irritations, wounds and joint pain.1,2



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Surinam Cherry for:

Cancer Effective
Cold (Common Cold) Effective
Cough Effective
Diabetes Effective
Diarrhea Effective
Flu (Influenza) Effective
Gout Effective
Joint Pain Effective
Upset Stomach Effective
Wounds Effective