Thyme Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Thymus vulgaris

Properties: Antibiotic, Diuretic, Antiseptic, Astringent, Anti-microbial, Antispasmodic, Antiparasitic, Expectorant

What is Thyme?

Thyme is a common low-growing perennial herb native to Europe and Asia. There are three main types of thyme, including German, English, and French thyme, and each has its own unique leaf shape and color. Various types of thyme even produce essential oils with different chemical compounds. Though thyme is often used in culinary practices, it can be employed as a topical agent for a variety of medical purposes. The dried leaves and flowering tops are commonly used in herbal medicine.1,2

Thyme Uses and Health Benefits

Thyme features many medicinal benefits, including antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It’s said to boost the immune system as well as sooth the respiratory tract to treat a variety of conditions. Thyme can be made into a topical balm used for treating skin conditions like rash, acne, cuts, and burns. It can also be used for cleaning drinking water to help prevent fever and diarrhea.1,3

Other thyme benefits include for treating indigestion, anemia, menstrual irregularities, and numerous other health problems. It can even help combat fungal infections like athlete’s foot or treat scabies or lice.1,2 Additional thyme uses include for:

  • Depression - Thyme stimulates the nervous system, which may help in treating anxiety, mood changes, and symptoms of depression.
  • Emphysema - Emphysema is a type of lung disease. It’s suggested that with thyme’s benefits on the respiratory tract, it may help in relieving emphysema symptoms.
  • Cough - Thyme has long been used for treating respiratory conditions like bronchitis and whooping cough.
  • Flu (Influenza) - As an immune-booster, thyme helps the body fight off contagions like fungus, viruses, and bacteria, making it a viable herbal remedy for curing the flu.
  • Congestion (Nasal Congestion) - Thyme essential oil has been used in aromatherapy for clearing mucus and phlegm and relieving congestion.

Thyme Side Effects and Precautions

Although thyme is generally considered safe, it’s important to take precautions, especially when using thyme oil. Thyme oil should only be used for external purposes. Internal use of thyme oil can result in thyme side effects like difficulty breathing, dizziness, and vomiting.6 Pregnant women should not use thyme oil.5 In some cases, thyme oil may cause sensitivity when applied to the skin or used as a mouth rinse.6 Do not use thyme if you are taking blood thinning medications as this may increase the risk of bleeding.5 As with any herb, it’s best to talk to your doctor before using a thyme herbal remedy.




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Thyme for:

Depression Effective
Bronchitis Effective
Cough Effective
Emphysema Effective
Flu (Influenza) Effective
Oral Cancer Effective
Tapeworms Effective